
While Trendzmy.com endeavors to procure products from its parent brand and different vendors around the world and have them delivered to their customers, trendzmy.com disclaims any direct and indirect liability, if a vendor fails to provide the requested goods in time or if the requested goods do not match the customer expectations.

Buyer Protection Policies

We offer 100% Buyer Protection Policy to our customers. Our Brand of trust clearly defines our values, promising the best online shopping experience to our customers.

  1. Genuine Products
    • Merchant guarantees to sell only genuine products to customers through Trendzmy.com
    • Manufacturer’s or Seller’s warranty (wherever applicable)
  1. Secure Payments
    • Customers’ Personal Data is kept Confidential
  1. Easy Returns, Replacements & Refunds


Trendzmy.com is responsible and committed to deliver Ordered Product with Quality Check and According to Order Received. This Quality Check Procedure is done at various level Starting from the Procurement of the product to the Packaging and Ready to Shipment. Still if Customer has issues after Product is Delivered, that would be covered under Policies Below…

  • Return/Replacement request for any Order should be submitted within 2 days of receiving the Product.
  • Refund/Replacement will be initiated only upon receiving of the product
  • Replacement will depend upon the availability of the product
  • In case the product was damaged while in your possession, Trendzmy.com will not be under any liability to process the refund/replacement
  • Damaged/ Missing/ Empty Packages need to be returned within 2 days of receiving the product
  • Order Replacement Free of Cost can be done in following cases:
    -Wrong Size/ Color/ Style/ Quantity
    -Missing Parts/ Accessories
    -Defective/ Damaged (if not under Manufacturer’s Warranty*)
    -Not as per description
  • Return Package should have the original Price tag and Packaging slip
  • Few products are Non-Returnable. Please refer to the product page for further reference
  • For Manufacturer’s Warranty Products, you are required to visit the Brand Service Centre.
    For more queries, please refer to Return, Replacement & Refund policies